Strongest Pokemon Each Type in Pokemon GO 2023

The strength of a Pokemon can be determined by the combination of DPS and TDO

Handoyo Saputra | November 13, 2023

Mega Rayquaza

Tier list of the strongest Pokemon will always change whenever Niantic releases new Pokemon or provides a good new moveset to existing Pokemon.

Many factors influence the ranking of the strongest Pokemon for raid battles, such as the in-game weather, boosts from mega evolution, the raid boss faced, super effective attacks, and resistances.

The strongest Pokemon for raid battles can be determined by calculating the DPS (Damage Per Second) multiplied by TDO (Total Damage Output).

The evaluation of the strongest Pokemon is not only based on how much damage it deals to the raid boss but also on how long the Pokemon can withstand the raid boss's attacks.

This data is taken from The Poke GO Hunter to identify the strongest Pokemon along with their best movesets for each type.

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TagsPokemon GO
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